Thursday, June 18, 2009


We as Catholics talk about Soul...but to me the essence of true sustainability is feeding/connecting daily with our soul.

I once red that the Soul was murky muddy place full of the dirt of life...
Hmmm sounds like Oregon Winters...
ripe for creating good harvest.

Here are more thoughts of Soul.

Soul is a word to describe the central or integral part of something: it is the vital core! In its most profound sense, it also describes the essence of every human being. It is that place within each of us that is infinite, eternal and universal. The soul is an enigma; it is a source that gives rise to form, yet is unknowable. It is illusive by its very nature, yet it also requires nurturing and caring. (maybe found in nature, true beauty, spiritual places, conversations, stories...) We can intuitively understand what its needs are, yet never fathom its depths. It is the substance within us that links our body and spirit to the greater forces of the cosmos.

What are the "soul needs"? Or, what does the soul need? Firstly, it needs a sense of belonging, to feel truly connected to the land, to your roots, to your spirit. Secondly, a soul needs to feel safe so that you can be yourself, be creative and bring forth the deeper aspects of who you are, without fear. Thirdly, it yearns for harmony with the rhythm of life. Finally, it needs sacred space of some sort.

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